CSFL Announces 2024 All-Academic Team
By: CSFL Staff | Collegiate Sprint Football League | January 10, 2025
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (January 10, 2025) -- One-hundred-and-nineteen (119) student-athletes on Friday were named to the 2024 Collegiate Sprint Football League (CSFL) All-Academic Team as announced by Commissioner Dan Mara.
To be eligible, a student-athlete must a) have a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher; b) appeared in at least one contest for the nominated season; c) be at least a sophomore both academically and athletically; d) and must have completed at least two semesters at their current institution. There is no limit to how many nominees a school may have as long as they meet the criteria listed above.
Army West Point, the 2024 CSFL Champion, led the way for all schools with 26 honorees on the list.
>> Cornell had 21 student-athletes earn all-academic honors, while Penn had 20. Those two, along with Army, were the three schools to top the 20 mark. Caldwell was close with 18 honorees.
>> Four student-athletes made the unit by earning 4.0 or higher cumulative GPAs, including:
Ian Applegate, Cornell (4.084)
Zach Glenn, Cornell (4.059)
Sawyer Tierney, Cornell (4.132)
Jaxson Nield, Penn (4.00)
>> Seven honorees on the team posted marks of 3.90 or higher.