2024 League Rules & Bylaws

1. Voting Procedures

All member schools will have one equal vote. Athletic Directors will vote on proposals at their annual CSFL virtual meeting. Coaches may bring forward action items for league administrators to discuss and vote on.

A. The following measures will require unanimous approval of the Athletic Directors to cause change in current status and procedures:

** Removal of current members of CSFL (with exception of affected team).
** Increase of number of games in CSFL schedule.
** Changes to weight limit (183 and 178 limits, % Body Fat, or Urine specific gravity).
** Changes in coaching staff (HC and 7 asst.) or roster size (70).
** Punishments for flagrant violations. Temporary punishments may be put in place until final decision is made.

B. Acceptance of new members and other routine matters not covered in paragraph A will require at least a 2/3 vote to be passed. If the proposal does not gain a 2/3 majority, the proposal will not be implemented and the former rules remain in effect.

2. Schedule

Each league member will compete in seven (7) formal, regular season contests. Schools will have the opportunity to schedule a “Week Zero” game prior to the start of the formal, seven-game regular season. The contest will count in the overall record, but would not count towards the division record that is used to determine division champion and representative in the CSFL Championship Game. The “Week Zero” game will first be contested during the 2025 season. Schools interested in taking part in “Week Zero” must state their interest to the conference office by Dec. 15, prior to the start of the following season. A contest is any game, match, exhibition, scrimmage or joint practice session, in which competition in a sport occurs between an intercollegiate athletic team and any other team not representing the intercollegiate athletics program of the same member institution. As an exception, an annual alumni game or preseason scrimmage may be played and not counted against this maximum number. Only designated games against league opponents will be used to determine the league standings and championship.

3. Divisions

The league consists of two divisions.

The following teams are in the North Division: Army, Cornell, Mansfield, Molloy and St. Thomas Aquinas.

The following teams are in the South Division: Caldwell, Chestnut Hill, Navy and Penn.

4. League Champion

The league champion will be decided by a game played between the winners of the North and South Divisions one week after the end of the regular season on either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

A. Division champion shall be the team with the highest winning percentage in divisional games.

B. If teams in the same division have identical division records, then a tie breaker system will be used to determine the division champion.

** Head-to-head result between tied teams (tie between two teams in the standings).

(Mini-conference of 3 or more tied teams)

i . Best combined record within the mini-conference.

ii. If still tied, compare records against divisional opponents in descending order of finish.

iii. If still tied, compare records against common cross-division opponents.

iv. If still tied, cumulative fewest points allowed in all games.

v. If at any point the tie is broken in a three-plus team tie, the remaining teams will begin the process again at step one (head-to-head results).

C. The championship game will be played at a neutral site if possible. The field must meet NCAA collegiate football specifications and locker rooms with showers and bathrooms must be available.

D. The league will provide seven (7) officials, four (4) official “chain gang” members, one (1) game clock operator, and one (1) 25/40 second clock operator for the championship game.

E. The team with the best overall record is the home team and will choose what jersey color they want to wear. If the two teams have the same record, then the tie-breaker is head-to-head. If still tied, or the two teams did not play each other during the regular season, then record versus common opponents will be used. If still tied, then a coin toss will determine the home team.

F. There are no “comp” tickets for the championship game.

G. All efforts will be made by the hosting institution to “live stream” the game.

H. The Commissioner is responsible for ensuring that the trophy, banner and medals are presented to the winning team after the contest.

5. Practice Sessions

A. Organized practice sessions will be limited in number with no more than 16 prior to the first scheduled game in September between any two league opponents. Two-a-day practices are not permissible. Going over the 16-practice limit or conducting two-a-day practices is considered a flagrant violation.

** Organized practice sessions are any workout conducted with football coaches present. Meetings and Walk-thrus are not considered practices.

** The first three (3) days will be conditioning (non-contact) workouts and are included in the sixteen practice sessions. Helmets and Jerseys are permitted during non-contact practices. Helmets must be worn.

** Formal alumni games shall not count in the practice limit and do not count as a formal contest.

** Teams may participate in a preseason scrimmage against another league opponent or against an opponent outside the league. This scrimmage is not a formal contest and will not count as one of the 16 practices. It is intended that the scrimmage be highly controlled.

** Teams may participate in one alumni contest and one pre-season scrimmage. Neither will count as one of the 16 practices. Playing more than one Alumni game or more than one scrimmage is considered a flagrant violation.

** All teams may conduct five (5) days of spring practice with helmets, jerseys, and footballs to allow for weight management, recruitment of potential players from the student body, and retention of current players. Spring practices must occur between 1 February and 30 April and coaches are required to submit their practice dates to the Commissioner no later than the last day of February each year. Teams who do not practice in the spring are not allowed to carry the practices over to preseason. Going over the 5-practice limit is considered a flagrant violation. This will be reviewed on an annual basis.

B. All League members will submit a practice schedule detailing the practice sessions allotted to the League Commissioner no later than the first day of each team’s preseason. If any practice session adjustments are made during the pre-season, then the team making the adjustments should send an updated schedule to the Commissioner.

6. Eligibility

A. Any full-time student of the respective League institution is permitted to play.

B. Students must meet NCAA eligibility as it pertains to normal progress towards degree completion.

C. A student athlete shall not engage in more than 4 seasons of eligibility in Sprint football or Football and shall complete his seasons of eligibility within five years from his first registration for a minimum full-time program.

D. (NCAA rule 12.8) Coaches may request waivers for special circumstances and direct those towards the conference office for review.

E. The Commissioner will keep a log of all waiver requests that includes both denials and approvals. This log will be available to all coaches when needed.

7. Officials

A. Each game shall have seven (7) officials. They shall be appointed by CSFL Assignor of Officials Jim Corpora.

B. Individuals ejected from a competition will be reported to the commissioner by the Home team and the Referee. If any coach refutes the decision of the officials’ committee, regarding the ejection and playing status of an ejected player, he may send film to the CSFL commissioner to be sent forward to the officials’ assignor for review.

C. Schools are permitted to use volunteers as the “chain-gang” during regular season games.

8. Weigh-In of Players

With a sincere concern for the health and welfare of the student-athletes participating in Sprint Football, each player will be examined by a physician or sports medicine staff member prior to the season to ensure the safety and appropriateness of that individual participating in Sprint Football at the specified weight limit.

A. CSFL Weight Certification Procedures (Prior to the start of preseason practice):

i. Practices - No student athlete may begin official practice including drills or other football related activities (with or without equipment) until they have demonstrated one of the following:

a.  A body weight of 170.0 lbs. or less, or

b. A body weight of 183.0 lbs. or less while simultaneously (within ½ hour) having body fat of 5% or greater and urine specific gravity less than or equal to 1.020. The student athlete will be permitted to attempt achievement of this standard as many times as they like but will be withheld from all practice activities until achieving the standard.

(Note: all scales must be digital scales that have been certified by the local weights and measurements department within the previous calendar year. The weight scale certification form must be turned into the Commissioner the same time the practice roster is submitted, which is prior to the first day of pre-season practices.)

c. A list of all practice players must be submitted to the League Commissioner on a standard form provided by the League prior to the first day of pre-season practices. The list must include name of player, year in school, urine specific gravity, % body fat, body weight and must be signed by the coach and sports medicine staff. If a player initially does not meet the standard to practice, the coach will still include that player’s name on the form and will update the commissioner once the player meets the standard.

(Note: First year players [players who have never participated in Sprint Football] are exempted from this requirement in an attempt to allow newcomers the opportunity to adjust their body weight. Any athlete previously on a roster, at any time, must meet the 183.0 lb. practice standard.)

d. Urine Specific gravity and body fat composition do not have to be measured again once each player has achieved the standard for the practice weigh-in of 183 lbs with a body fat of 5% or greater and a urine specific gravity of 1.020 or greater.

B. In-Season Weekly Weight Certification Procedures

All weekly weight certifications must be conducted by members of the athletic medicine staff or by an administrator with responsibility for the sport at the respective institution, but not members of the coaching staff. The head coach may be present during the weigh-ins.

i. A detailed weight certification sheet must be submitted to the opposing coach on a standard form provided by the League prior to the start of each formal contest. This same form must be submitted to the Commissioner by the end of the week following the contest. The detailed weigh-in sheet will include, for all players: name, number, position(s), year in school and the exact weight for both weigh-ins for that contest.

ii. Every form submitted to the Commissioner should be signed by the institution’s supervising official of the weigh in and the head coach. The supervising official may not be a coach.

iii. Formal Contests. Student-athletes will be required to weigh 178.0 lbs. or less on Monday and Wednesday before a Friday contest (Tuesday/Thursday before a Saturday contest, etc.) each week of the season in which they have a game. (Note: The one exception to this rule is if a school plays a Sunday game, which is followed the next week with a Friday game, they would only have to weigh-in on Wednesday before that Friday game; or followed by a Saturday game, they would only have to weigh-in on Thursday before that Saturday game.)

iv. Failure to achieve the 178.0 pound weight limit on either weigh-in will result in that student-athlete being ineligible for that week’s game.

v. Coaches must ensure that unsafe weight loss practices such as the use of saunas, rubber suits, “hot tops” are prohibited. Only breathable fabrics are allowed. The use of laxatives, diuretics, or any other banned substances are expressly forbidden.

vi. 24 hours prior to kickoff time of any formal contest, a head coach may notify the opposing head coach in writing (and must include conference office representatives on that communication) they would like to challenge an opposing player to weigh in because they believe a player is over 190.0 lbs. The player(s) in question will be taken to a designated weigh-in area upon arrival at the facility with both head coaches serving as witness. If the player in question weighs over 190.0 lbs. on gameday, without wearing his uniform or pads, then the player will not be allowed to play in that contest. 

C. Random Weekly Virtual Weigh-Ins

Each team will take part in a random weigh-in check during each week of the season.

Platform to View Weigh-Ins: All random weigh-ins will be conducted via Zoom. The conference office will create weekly Zoom links for each team to use for the random weigh-ins. The Zoom app can be downloaded onto smartphones and tablets.

1. Process to View Weigh-Ins (Per Team):

o By Sunday at 4 p.m., prior to that week’s game, a school will send written confirmation to the conference office of their final weigh-in day and time for that week. The schedule of the final weigh-ins will be sent to league membership for its planning purposes to select individuals for random weight checks (ie on Sunday, by 4 p.m., School A will send to the league office notification they will do their second weigh-in on Wednesday at 10 a.m., for their game on Friday vs. School B).

o The commissioner will randomly select five student-athletes from a specific team to participate in the Zoom weigh-ins. The opposing coach for that week’s game will have the opportunity to select up to five additional individuals to participate in the Zoom weigh-in.

o If an opposing coach opts to select certain individuals for weigh-in, those names must be sent to the conference by 10 a.m., the day before the final weigh-in. The commissioner, or a representative from the conference office, will send that school the entire list of chosen student-athletes by 12 p.m., the day before the final weigh-in (ie, for the example mentioned above in Point #1; once School B receives School A’s final weigh-in date/time, then B must send its list of requested individuals for weigh-in to the league office by Tuesday at 10 a.m. The league office will notify School A of the 10 names - maximum - by Tuesday at 12 p.m.).

o It is recommended the Zoom weigh-in occurs no earlier than 7 a.m., of the second weigh-in day, and must be completed by 8 p.m., of that day. However, multiple Zoom weigh-ins may be completed throughout the final check-in day to allow designated student-athletes to make weight (ie, if a student-athlete for School A weighs-in at 180 pounds during the random weigh-in at 8 a.m., they could still have the opportunity to be re-checked via another Zoom weigh-in by 8 p.m., of that day). If a team chooses to do a second weigh-in for that student-athlete, they must give advance notice of when the second weigh-in will occur that day so that conference office staff can create a new Zoom link for the check-in.

o The commissioner or designated conference office staff member will view the Zoom weigh-in to verify all checked weights. The Zoom call will be recorded and archived as well.

o All weight certifications must be conducted by members of the athletic medicine staff or by an administrator with responsibility for the sport at the respective institution, but not members of the coaching staff. The head coach may be present during the weigh-ins.

o Each selected student-athlete will first face the camera and announce their name, number, and position, before stepping on the scale. This is done to allow conference office staff to verify it is the correct student-athlete, as cross checking can be done through online rosters/headshots. Student-athletes MUST at least wear shorts during the Zoom weigh-in, and a half-pound of flexibility will be given to account for the added weight of clothing (ie, if a student-athlete checks in at 178.5 pounds, or less, they would qualify for making weight for that week’s game). The half-pound allowance is only extended to student-athletes taking part in the virtual weigh-in.

o Written notification from the conference office will be sent to the direct administrator, head coach, and the opposing head coach of that week’s game if a student-athlete fails to make weight.

o Scales must be re-certified each year, and proof of the recertification sent to the league office by the start of preseason weigh-ins.

2. Upon request to the Commissioner and opposing coach, any coach or sports supervisor from another CSFL institution may attend to verify a weigh-in of any other team. 

3. The falsification of the weight certification sheet is a flagrant violation.

9. Physicians

It shall be the responsibility of the home team to have a qualified physician in attendance 15 minutes before the game, during the game, and available after the game.

10. Length of Games

All games should be four (4) periods of 15 minutes each. However, by agreement of both teams and in the interest of safety, running clocks or other means to shorten the game may be allowed. Halftime will be 20 minutes unless special arrangements have been approved by both teams and the head referee has been notified ahead of time.

11. NCAA Football Rules

The NCAA Collegiate Football game rules shall be in effect.

12. 40/25-Second Clocks

The home team will provide two (2) 40/25-second clocks and an official 40/25-second clock operator for all games. If possible, clock operators should be certified.

13. Coaching Staff Size

Maximum = One (1) Head Coach and Seven (7) Assistants. A “coach” for this rule is defined by NCAA Bylaw 11.7. Head coaches will include the names of their assistant coaches when they submit their final 70-man roster to the Commissioner.

14. Game Uniforms

Visiting teams will wear light colored or white jerseys, and home teams will wear dark jerseys unless otherwise agreed upon.

15. Squad Size/Number of Players in Uniform at Games

A. During each year’s season, there is a maximum squad size of seventy (70) players (including varsity, junior varsity and freshmen) who are eligible to practice, compete or participate with the program in any manner. Note: teams are not allowed to have “practice players” who exceed the maximum number of 70.

B. All League members will submit an official roster with a maximum of 70 players to the League Commissioner by the Thursday prior to the first weekend of games. The official roster:

Will detail the jersey number, player name, and year in school.

Will include all players participating in any team activities.

C. Additions to the official roster will not be allowed after the roster submission on the last day of preseason except:

A team that did not have 70 players participating at the time of roster submission may add players, up to a total of 70, with notifications to and approval from the League Commissioner.

Any unusual situation which will require approval from the League Commissioner.

D. The falsification of the official roster is a flagrant violation.

16. Coaches Game Restrictions and Use of Headsets

A. All coaches must remain on the field in the coaching area during the conduct of the game except for two coaches from each team who are allowed in the coaches’ box.

B. The use of headsets is permissible and there is no limit on the number of headsets a team may use. Only two headsets are allowed in the coaches’ box.

C. If there is a failure in the headset system due to the error of the host institution, i.e. electricity goes out, then the head referee and opposing coach must be notified and both teams will no longer use headsets.

D. The use of scissor lifts or similar lifts to serve as a coach’s box or as a place to film from is strictly forbidden for safety reasons.

17. Bands at Games

A. Teams having bands at games are responsible for their conduct. The band should not play while the game is in progress and should concentrate their efforts during time outs and both the pre- or post-game periods.

B. There should be no artificial noise after the ball is declared ready for play.

C. Home teams remain responsible for the proper conduct of their bands even if game officials are reluctant to act.

18. Reporting Statistics and Weekly Awards

A. For each game, the host SID is responsible for submitting the packed and XML game files to the opposing SID and conference office staff immediately following the conclusion of the contest. Files can be sent to CSFL Associate Commissioner Doug DeBiase at media@sprintfootball.com(.) 

B. SIDs must submit nominations for weekly awards by Mondays at 12 p.m. The conference office will supply each SID with a weekly reporting form. Weekly awards include Offensive Player, Defensive Player, Special Teams Player and Rookie of the Week. A rookie is defined as a “first-time competitor” in the sport of football at any level in college.

19. Scouting and Film Exchange

A. All game film will be distributed weekly to all schools via HUDL by the Home Team. No on-site scouting is permitted at any time.

B. Film must be of a complete game, include all plays, be sideline wide and end zone tight, and include a visible score at least each quarter.

C. All film will be distributed by the home teams to all other teams by 10 a.m. Saturday following a Friday game and 10 a.m. Sunday following a Saturday game.

D. If a home team encounters a delay in delivering the film on time due to travel or other unavoidable reasons, the offending coach must notify the future opposing coach beforehand and try to plan with other teams to get a film sent on time.

E. Visiting teams may also film at every away location.

F. Missing the film exchange deadline is a flagrant violation.

20. Coordinating Arrival of Visiting Team

A. The home team coach is responsible for coordinating the arrival and stay of the visiting team.

B. The visiting coach is responsible for calling the home team coach the week of the scheduled game. This assistance should include such considerations as arranging for locker rooms, on-campus meals, housing, practice fields, etc.

C. The head coach (or his designee) should personally check on everything before arrival and meet the visitor’s bus at a predetermined time and place.

D. All student-athletes deserve our best efforts in this matter of sportsmanship.

21. Dues

All schools are assessed dues of $2,600.00 annually for the services of the Commissioner, Associate Commissioner, assigning of officials, purchasing of awards, and conduct of other League business. The Commissioner will provide a financial report to membership at the annual league meetings.

22. All-League Awards

A. Each institution may nominate for both the All-League Offensive and Defensive Teams according to its place finish in the league according to the following formula:

League Champion = 14 nominations; League Runner Up = 13 nominations.

Best record between the two 2nd place teams in each Division = 12 nominations; second best record of the 2nd place teams = 11. (if records are the same then both get 12 nominations)

Best record between the two 3rd place teams in each Division = 10 nominations; second best record of the 3rd place teams = 9 nominations. (if records are the same then both teams get 10 nominations)

Best record of the two 4th place teams in each Division = 8 nominations; second best record of the 4th place teams = 7 nominations. (if records are the same then both teams get 8 nominations)

The 5th place team in the North Division = 6 nominations.

Head coaches will vote for the individuals by position but cannot vote for their own team. 1 QB, 4 WR, 1 TE, 5 OL, and 3 RB will be selected for Offense. 4 DB, 4 LB, and 5 DL will be selected for Defense. Kickers/Punters/Returners will also be voted on as well. In the case of a tie, both players will receive the award. Those that do not earn 1st or 2nd team will be placed on the Honorable Mention list.

Head coaches will vote for the league Most Valuable Player Award (the James Kay Award). The MVP will be determined from the league’s offensive player of the year, defensive player of the year, special teams player of the year and newcomer of the year.

The offensive, defensive, special teams and newcomer of the year awards will be determined by a separate ballot vote from the all-conference awards. Each coach will be able to nominate one student-athlete per major award. A newcomer is defined as a first-time competitor at the collegiate level. Voting will be conducted on a 5-3-1 points basis (1st, 2nd, 3rd place votes).

Voting will be done electronically, and coaches can submit write-ups on behalf of their nominees.

23. All-Academic Team

Schools may nominate student-athletes for the CSFL All-Academic Team. To be eligible, a student-athlete must a) have a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher; b) appeared in at least one contest for the nominated season; c) be at least a sophomore both academically and athletically; d) and must have completed at least two semesters at their current institution. There is no limit to how many nominees a school may have as long as they meet the criteria listed above.

24. Annual Meeting

The annual coaches meeting will be held virtually following the season, or in conjunction with the annual American Football Coaches Association convention. If required, a second meeting or Conference Call may be held in the spring. 

25. League Commissioner

Daniel B. Mara serves as the Commissioner of the Collegiate Sprint Football League. He can be reached via email at commissioner@sprintfootball.com or via office phone at 203-298-4808.

26. Admission

A. In the event admission to a game is charged, the home team will provide two complimentary tickets for each member of the visiting team listed on their opening season roster and two tickets for each member of the coaching staff.

B. NCAA rules for complimentary admissions will be followed.

27. Recruiting

A. Teams within the league that fall under the Division II level and below may be able to recruit off campus provided that the rules stipulated to football in the NCAA rule book for Division II and III are adhered.

B. No coach may recruit a player from another member school per paragraph 14.5.5 of the D1 NCAA manual.
